Lifespan Extension Record: Reversing Cell Aging by 82%

Scientists have extended the lifespan of yeast cells by 82% using a method known as “epigenetic remodeling.” This approach involves rewiring the cells’ genetic circuitry to enhance their ability to repair damage caused by aging. Specifically, the researchers used a technique called CRISPRi to turn off certain genes involved in aging and turn on others that promote longevity. The study provides new insights into the genetic mechanisms underlying aging and suggests that similar strategies could be used to extend the lifespan of other organisms, including humans. However, further research is needed to determine the potential risks and ethical implications of such interventions.

Put another way: Scientists at the University of California, San Diego have slowed the aging process in human cells by engineering them to produce higher levels of a protein called telomerase, which helps maintain the length of telomeres, the protective caps on the ends of chromosomes. The researchers used CRISPR gene editing to insert extra copies of the telomerase gene into human cells, which resulted in the cells dividing more times than normal and showing signs of reduced aging. While the study was conducted in cells in the laboratory and not in living organisms, it provides new insights into the potential for genetic interventions to slow the aging process and extend lifespan.

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