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  • Quick Fixes for Better Sleep, Stop Snoring

    Even before I served as an executive of an NIH-backed sleep-science company, I was always fascinated by sleep….but it wasn’t until a 6’9” linebacker accidentally elbowed my nose as a teenager (he was a friend playing on my team), that it became clear how optimal breathing is a fundamental of better sleep and looking your…

  • Supplements I Avoid & Take: an honest guide. Make less mistakes.

    Recently, two colleagues independently asked me what supplements I take that enable me to continue to stay in the top percentile of fitness and health. An equally important question is what I don’t take. I share below, but first, some key insights to guide how you think about supplements. Six Key Insights to Begin #1. Take…

  • Nasty Downsides – Metformin & Rapamycin.

    Metformin and Rapamycin have both been hyped as anti-aging miracles. But are there downsides? Let’s start with Metformin. METFORMIN It is well grounded to help with many health conditions, including diabetes, prediabetes, gestational diabetes, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Yet, a number of studies suggest that metformin can decrease the benefits of exercise, including:  Other studies…